Vincent's Women: The Untold Story of the Loves of Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent's Women
Donna Russo
Pub. Date: March 26, 2024 by Next Chapter
Genre: Historical Fiction
Rating: 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Summary: Donna Russo's 'Vincent's Women' is the untold story of Vincent's loves, how they shaped his life, his art, and his death. It writes against the ‘myths,’ exploring the possibility that none of them are true. It is the only novel to bring into question his sexuality, how he lost his ear, who he lost it for, and how he might have died, all through the eyes of a woman. We learn of Her; we learn all of it through Her.

The story is guided by Johanna van Gogh Bonger, Vincent's sister-in-law, as she decides to reveal the truth about Vincent to her son. We are then taken on a journey through Vincent's life, each section bringing a pivotal moment of Vincent's life alive while showing us the part she played in bringing it about. Between each woman, our guide, Johanna, gives us the transitional periods, right up to his death, which is now in question.

Hundreds of the nearly thousand letters between Vincent van Gogh and his brother Theo, now considered one of the greatest documents of the human experience, were used to help construct this novel, its narrative, and dialogue, especially the dialogue of Vincent himself.

Vincent van Gogh is one of the most well-known artists of all time. The world knows of his madness, traumas, and suicide. But what if all that we know isn’t true? What if this knowledge is based on rumors and nothing more? What if his true story is vastly different when based on factual material and forensic information? What if the truth of Vincent’s life—his madness and his genius—is defined by his never-ending search for love?

My thoughts: Donna Russo is one of the most talented authors I have EVER come across. Three years ago I read early chapters of this book and was thoroughly unimpressed. I have now read the newly released version and am in awe of what Russo accomplished. This is not a book readers will read but one they will feel. The extensive research used for this book provided a perspective unlike any other when it comes to Vincent van Gogh's life. Readers do not get a straightforward biography of Vincent but an analysis of the forces that molded him. Russo challenges readers to question the accepted truths of Vincent. Was Vincent was indeed "mad" or was his reaction to his underwhelming relationships simply to unconventional for people to understand? 

One cannot dismiss the homage this book paid to the otherwise forgotten women who touched Vincent's life. Their stories provided significant context for understanding Vincent's environment. Russo successfully utilized Vincent's correspondence to get readers inside his head to see how he interpreted each of those relationships. While history wants to blame these women for Vincent's demise, they in turn were also impacted greatly by their relationships Vincent. 

Allow yourself an open mind and explore an interpretation of Vincent van Gogh that you haven't ever imagined. You won't be disappointed. 


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