A little more about me

With a new blog one must take the time to introduce themselves. 😀

I've worked in museums and libraries since 2012 and have been a librarian/branch manager at several different public libraries since 2018. As a librarian I feel I am partly expected to have some kind of literary influencer presence outside of work.  

During the pandemic a group of random women banded together and created the blog With A Book In Our Hands. Someone sponsored the domain name and we flooded social media on a weekly basis. We covered all genres and it was pretty remarkable. Sadly, as time went by, the enthusiasm for the blog waned and we lost several of our founding members. That, coupled with an exorbitant amount of technical issues, inclined me to think about taking the lead on my own blog. 

I am fortunate that in my position I have been able to host virtual author chats with some AMAZING authors. Debut authors, USA Today bestselling authors, New York Times bestselling authors, and internationally published authors have all been gracious with their time in permitting me to interview them. Most of the videos can be found through the Pamunkey Regional Library's YouTube channel. I've included the link to the International Women's Day chat with Melanie Benjamin, Stephanie Dray, and Lauren Willig, and the chat with Kate Quinn and Heather Webb. 


I have been a guest on Susanne Dunlap's podcast itsjusthistorical.com. She declared me a super librarian and I kind of love it!

My reviews have been featured on NetGalley, Library Reads, on author's websites, and have been used for cover quotes. 

This blog will feature any book I want. Some books may be several years old. I read multiple genres so posts will hopefully appeal to readers of all. 

I will rate books with 🍷 or 👢because I can. I hope you'll join me on the journey. 


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