The Valley: The Druid Chronicles Book 2

The Valley: The Druid Chronicles Book 2 

A. M. Linden

Publication date: June 28, 2022 by She Writes Press

Genre: Historical Fiction

Rating: 5 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷

Summary: Llwddawanden is a hidden sanctuary where remnants of a once-powerful pagan cult carry on their ancient ritual practices, supported by a small but faithful following of servants, craftsmen, and laborers.

Cut off from the outside world by both geography and conviction, the Druids of Llwddawanden continue to venerate the Great Mother Goddess and to view themselves as the first-born and favorite of Her mortal children. While the belief that the most important of all divine beings gave birth to their ancestors and that Her spirit inhabits the body of their highest priestess is a tenuous conclusion in view of their reduced lot in life, the Druids of Llwddawanden believe it and are, for the most part, committed to carrying on the traditions handed down to them by their forbears.

Herrwn, the shrine’s chief priest and master bard, has the responsibility of overseeing the education of Caelym, the orphaned son of the cult’s previous chief priestess, as well as keeping the peace within the upper ranks of their order—two tasks that grow more difficult as the rivalry over which of the three highest priests will claim Caelym as his disciple grows, and as mounting conflicts between the current chief priestess and her only living daughter threaten to rend the fabric of a society that has endured for more than a millennium.

My Thoughts: Although this is book two in The Druid Chronicles series it actually reads as book one. Without having much historical content to rely upon, Linden recreates an entire culture with all of its religious traditions, familial strife, and the encroaching influence of outside ideas. The Druids are brought to life through the eyes of the chief priest and storyteller, Herwyn. In a sense, this is a story of a bard told in the way of a bards tale. 

Herwyn uses reflection as a means to provide information about the evolution of the Druids and their religious beliefs. Through Herwyn the reader experiences how the reincarnation of the Great Mother Goddess guides this matriarchal society. He and his two cousins are key members of the high council and are sworn to uphold the traditions passed down to them. The reduced number of children available to fill the roles of the chief priests and priestesses leads to a power struggle over which chief priest will obtain the most viable candidates. As outside influences leak their way into their secluded sanctuary, key members of the upper echelon make choices that impacts the Druids entire way of life. 

This is a book to be savored. The writing is rhythmic with lush descriptions and complex characters.  It provides so much content that was needed to supplement the plot of The Oath. The series just gets better and better!

I received this copy via the author and publisher in conjunction with Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours. 



  1. Great review! thank you so much for being on the tour!

    HF Virtual Book Tours


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