The Last Crown (The Bold #2)


The Last Crown (The Bold #2)

Elzbieta Cherezinska

translated by Maya Zakrzewska-Pim

Original publication date: Oct. 3, 2016 under the title Krolowa

US publication date: Sept. 6. 2022 by Macmillian-Tor/ Forge Books

Genre: Historical Fiction

Rating: 5 👢👢👢👢👢

Summary: Across Baltic shores, English battlegrounds, and the land of Northern Lights, The Last Crown is the follow up to The Widow Queen, and the epic conclusion of Swietoslawa's journey from Polish princess to Queen of Denmark & Sweden and Queen Mother of England. 

My thoughts: First let me say that you don't have to read the first book in order to read this one but I would highly recommend it. I am so grateful that this series was picked up for U.S. publication. I probably would never have given any thought to these historic figures otherwise. 

This series is more than just a loose biography of Swietoslawa. It provides a thoroughly researched and comprehensive overview of the evolution of the monarchies of Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and England. There was plenty of planning, scheming, conniving, deception, and manipulation. There was also honor, duty, devotion, commitment, and love. Cherezinska didn't just provide players on a field. She gave readers characters that were full of depth and emotion. The reason you keep going with this book is because you truly want to know what happens to them. While the historic record doesn't always provide the details behind why decisions were made, Cherezinska writes with plausibility. Although the book doesn't strictly stick to a female point of view it does a great job at highlighting the influence women have had behind the crown for centuries. 

I received an early copy of this title via NetGalley. 


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