Barnum's Angel


Barnum's Angel (The Pale Chronicles Book 1)

Len Boswell

Publication Date: October 6, 2022 by Black Rose Writing

Genre: Historical Fantasy

Rating: 4 👢👢👢👢

To some, Lily was just a beautiful little girl. To others, she was a freakish albino who ate live chickens in a freak show. Charles Darwin called her his impossible girl and tried in vain to classify her. P. T. Barnum called her his angel and tried to take advantage of her.

But the creature Barnum thought to turn into a money-making feature attraction is neither girl nor angel. She is something other, a species of unimaginable abilities, with the power to destroy—or save —our world. The power is hers alone, but only the strange blood coursing through her veins will decide when and how to unleash a power she struggles every day to control.

From the cold, barren shores of Tierra del Fuego and the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle to the bustling crowds of Victorian London, Lily's story—and her quest—unfolds in a thrilling historical fantasy for all ages from award-winning author Len Boswell.

My thoughts: This book has left me speechless. I finished and then sat back and asked myself "what the heck did I just read?" Based on the synopsis I was not prepared for what unfolded within the pages. The sheer audacity of what Boswell did was nothing more than astonishing. To take something so austere as Victorian England, the beginnings of Scotland yard, and the renowned English naturalist Charles Darwin, and introduce such an element of fantasy truly unsettled me. 

In truth though, I liked it. While fantastical, the story flowed brilliantly. There was such a great interspersing of historical elements which only enhanced the story. What began as a quest for the truth turned into a police chase of epic proportions. Lily will haunt you long after you finish this one. Hopefully Boswell doesn't wait to long to get book two to us! 

I received a copy of this title via NetGalley. 


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