Night Flight to Paris


Night Flight to Paris 
(Kate Rees #2)
Cara Black 
Publication date: March 7, 2023 by Soho Crime
Genre: Historical Thriller
Rating: 5 👢👢👢👢👢

Summary: It is once again up to American markswoman Kate Rees to take the shot that just might win—or lose—World War II, in the follow up to national bestseller Three Hours in Paris.

Three missions. Two cities. One shot to win the war.

October 1942: it’s been two years since American markswoman Kate Rees was sent to Paris on a British Secret Service mission to assassinate Hitler. Since then, she has left spycraft behind to take a training job as a sharpshooting instructor in the Scottish Highlands. But her quiet life is violently disrupted when Colonel Stepney, her former handler, drags her back into the fray for a dangerous three-pronged mission in Paris.

Each task is more dangerous than the next: Deliver a package of penicillin to sick children. Assassinate a high-ranking German operative whose knowledge of secret invasion plans could turn the tide of the war against the Allies. Rescue a British agent who once saved Kate’s life, and get out.

Kate will encounter sheiks and spies, poets and partisans, as she races to keep up with the constantly-shifting nature of her assignment, showing every ounce of her Oregonian grit in the process.

New York Times bestselling author Cara Black has crafted another heart-stopping thrill-ride that reveals a portrait of Paris at the height of the Nazi Occupation.

My thoughts: From page one it was like there was never even an intermission between the first book in the series, Three Hours in Paris, to this newest release. Once again Black delivered a heart pumping, action packed thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Even if readers aren't familiar with the main character Kate Rees, Black surreptitiously interspersed enough backstory for readers to not be lost in understanding Kate's actions. This story had multiple layers of deceit and at times my head swam from attempting to keep up with who was backstabbing who. Kate had to consistently follow the mantra RADA: read, assess, decide, act. With so many players there was an overlapping of missions that Kate had to weave her way through without knowing any of the facts. This was such a fast paced read that I'm sure I missed snippets of information along the way. Regardless I thoroughly enjoyed the continuing adventures of Kate and hope that Black continues the series. It has been a refreshing way to see some of the untold story of World War II. 

I received a copy of this title via NetGalley. 


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